In addition to buying gold silver & Platinum, and other precious metals and fine jewelry, Wulf Diamond Jewelers also repairs and buys watches! We specialize in providing top cash value for luxury timepieces. With over 20 years of experience, we assist collectors, dealers, and individuals who need immediate cash payment for their timepieces.
If you have unwanted gold silver & platinum, don’t let it sit around—sell your gold and other precious metals for cash!
Whether you made an investment in gold or inherited it in the form of gold coins, scrap gold, or jewelry, it’s important to sell to a trusted, experienced gold buyer.
We’re well regarded for our knowledge, integrity, and customer service. We take every customer and every transaction seriously because we want you to get the best deal out there.
When it’s time to sell your gold, you might consider a “We Buy Gold” store or a huge outlet. However, a jewelry store that buys gold is your best option. There are many reasons why Wulf is a smart choice.
Are you sitting on jewelry that you no longer wear, or have a piece that lost its importance to you? Want to turn that into cash? Unlike pawnshops and other giant jewelry store chains, Wulf will ALWAYS provide fair pricing to help you get the most for what you have.